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Wellness Workshop: "What to Eat + Why?"

Home Cooking New York

Home Cooking New York: Wellness Workshop: "What to Eat + Why?"

New York, NY
Virtual Mindfulness & Wellness Teambuilding

Treat your group to a virtual food education + wellness workshop led by culinary instructor Jennifer Clair. Help them demystify all the food choices that home cooks are confronted with every trip to the supermarket.

This food seminar is designed to give you all the information you need to make the best food choices at the supermarket.

Before you cook a meal, you must go grocery shopping, so this is where the most valuable food education begins.

The modern supermarket is stocked with an overwhelming array of choices, so this seminar is the first step to making the best food choices in all the departments: produce, dairy, meat, eggs, cooking oils, and packaged foods.

This is NOT a class about calorie-counting or low-fat foods. A good food education goes well beyond that. Today’s well-informed food shoppers and cooks know that keywords like local, organic, sustainable, grass-fed, humanely-raised, wild, GMO, and extra-virgin all tell a much clearer story about the food we eat than its packaging.

A robust Q&A is included, so everyone’s burning questions will be answered.


What's Included

WHAT IS COVERED? (each participant will receive a comprehensive informational packet + recipes at the start of the class) How to Shop for Produce. Organic vs. conventional; what produce you should always buy organic; why small local farms are often better than “organic.” How to Shop for Meat + Eggs + Dairy. Understanding the vast differences between your choices: grass-fed vs. corn-fed beef, pasture-raised vs. free-range chickens, etc. Good Fats vs. Bad Fats. What fats and oils to buy, which to avoid, and why. How to choose a good-quality cooking oils. All About Sugar. Understanding the glycemic index of foods and how your body processes sugar. Understanding Food Labels. How to read a package label: the nutritional information, the ingredients, and manufacturers’ claims. What are GMOs and why should I care? Eating Locally. What should you always buy at the farmer’s market vs. the supermarket. + Recipes!

Pricing Details

$650 flat rate for unlimited number of guests. 60 and 90-minute options available.